A world out of control

I am inclined to take an optimistic view on matters. And yet, the latest series of events make me somewhat nervous. This world seems to be getting out of control. Near-to-bankrupt Western powers intervene militarily in the East with ideals, but apparently no clear plan of action. Gambling economics had to be reformed after the 2008 crash, but none of this has happened: high profits, short term thinking and wild speculation are still the rule of the game. Confidence is low and gold has never been so high. The middle class is anxious. The precarious become poor. Social violence is on the rise, with populism and regional egoism as a result. And now this bomb exploding in the heart of Jerusalem, triggering off once again the most symbolic of all regional conflicts. With all this, we nearly tend to forget Japan’s radioactive emissions and the ‘mother of all political challenges’: global warming. Some expect the end of the world to knock at our door by December 2012. I rather await strong political leaders with common sense and love for their fellow brethern. Christ taught us: ‘Take Heart; I Have Overcome the World’ (John 16:33).

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